Motion Table Clinical Evaluation

Clinical Observations Using The Motion Table for Linear Vestibular Stimulation

By Mona Feige PT, MS

Footnotes / Credits:

The Motion Table has shown to effect a change in a variety of clinical conditions. Improved postural control and postural reactions have been noted. Individuals have evidenced the ability to more successfully direct cognitive and motor activities to enable purposeful tasks. Increased autonomic muscle function is evidenced by improved pulmonary hygiene, improved feeding, and a decrease in chronic constipation.

Aversive reactions that are often associated with vestibular stimulation have been noted to be minimal with the use of The Motion Table. This factor is attributed to the linear movement and the adjustability of the device. Each session can be controlled and modulated according to the needs of the individual.

Though no formal scientific study has been published regarding the use of The Motion Table to date, clinical observations are supported by prior research in the area of linear vestibular stimulation. Lack of a formal study should not preclude the use of a device that has been shown to be effective for many.